Jan 23rd, 2017
Emilia: The darkest days in history of Nazi Germany through a woman's eyes

This story is dedicated to all the victims of sexual slavery in German concentration camps, who had to endure inhumane suffering under the Nazi regime. For many years after the atrocities had been committed, both...

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Special Forces

Special Forces is an epic work of military gay erotic fiction, which is available for free online. It consists of three cycles: Soldiers, and Mercenaries and Veterans. The Original Version of Special Forces has 70 chapters in total.Marquesate's website hosts the Original Version, from the first chapter...

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The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War

Download or read The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War.

Il bambino in cima alla montagna

Pierrot è ancora un bambino quando, rimasto orfano, deve lasciare la sua amata Parigi per andare a stare dalla zia in una bellissima e misteriosa magione tra le cime delle Alpi bavaresi. Ma...

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Apr 3rd, 2017
Eye of the Viper: The Making of an F-16 Pilot

Hand-picked, pressure-tested, and full of astronaut gung ho, the young pilots of Eye of the Viper are poised for the toughest assignment of their career: the exhaustive six-month training course at Arizona's Luke Air Force Base, at a cost of $2 million...

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Sep 5th, 2015
Olympus Rises

Afghanistan, 2014. Two weeks before the final withdrawal of all Coalition forces, a small unit of Army Rangers is attacked and destroyed by a Private Army known only as Olympus. The survivors are captured and held in a fortress in the Pamir Mountains of Kazinistan. There, they must...

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ليس للحرب وجه أنثوي

وقعت آلاف الحروب، قصيرة ومديدة، عرفنا تفاصيل بعضها وغابت تفاصيل أخرى بين جثث الضحايا. كثيرون كتبوا، لكن دوماً كتب الرجال عن الرجال. كلُّ ما عرفناه عن الحرب، عرفناه من خلال "صوت الرجل". فنحن جميعاً أسرى تصو��ُرات "الرجال" وأحاسيسهم عن الحرب،...

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يوميات هيروشيما - من 6 أغسطس إلى 30 سبتمبر 1945

كتاب "يوميات هيروشيما" يبدأ بدراسة للدكتور رءوف توضح التطور التاريخى الذى وصل إلى أن قصفت مدينتى هيروشيما وناجازاكى بالقنابل الذرية فى نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية يتبعها بترجمته لليوميات الشهيرة للطبيب اليابانى متشھیكو ھاتشیا والتى وثق فيها شهادته كطبيب عمل على علاج المصابين فى حادث...

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Spitfires, Thunderbolts, and Warm Beer: An American Fighter Pilot Over Europe

In 1941, before America entered World War II, determined young LeRoy Gover signed on with Britain’s Royal Air Force to fly the plane of his dreams, the fast, sleek Spitfire. When America joined the fight, he transitioned to the powerful P-47 Thunderbolt....

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Nel tranquillo paesino di Carriveau, Vianne Mauriac saluta il marito Antoine che si sta dirigendo al fronte. Non credeva che i nazisti avrebbero attaccato la Francia, ma di punto in bianco si ritrova circondata da soldati tedeschi, carri armati, aerei...

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Debs At War: How Wartime Changed their Lives, 1939-1945

Download or read Debs At War: How Wartime Changed their Lives, 1939-1945 in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Debs At War: How Wartime Changed their Lives, 1939-1945.

No Time For Romance

Lucilla Andrews was only eighteen when, as a volunteer nurse at the beginning of the second world war, she experienced the grim realities of wartime . Young, inexperienced and coming from a comfortable and sheltered background, she found herself dealing with survivors from Dunkirk and...

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Home Front Girl: A Diary of Love, Literature, and Growing Up in Wartime America

This diary of a smart, astute, and funny teenager provides a fascinating record of what an everyday American girl felt and thought during the Depression and the lead-up to World War II....

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The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II

The incredible story of the young women of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, who unwittingly played a crucial role in one of the most significant moments in U.S. history.The Tennessee town of Oak Ridge was created from scratch in 1942. One of the...

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Fashion on the Ration: Style in the Second World War

In September 1939, just three weeks after the outbreak of war, Gladys Mason wrote briefly in her diary about events in Europe: 'Hitler watched German siege of Warsaw. City in flames.' And, she continued, 'Had...

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We Band of Angels: The Untold Story of the American Women Trapped on Bataan

In the fall of 1941, the Philippines was a gardenia-scented paradise for the American Army and Navy nurses stationed there. War was a distant rumor, life a routine of easy shifts and dinners under the stars. On December 8 all that changed, as Japanese bombs...

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May 4th, 2017
Mrs Miles's Diary: The Wartime Journal of a Housewife on the Home Front

At the outbreak of the Second World War Constance Miles was living with her husband in the pretty Surrey village of Shere. A prolific correspondent with a keen interest in current affairs, Constance kept a war journal from 1939 to 1943, recording in vivid detail what life was like for...

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Diario clandestino: 1943-1945

Guareschi era, nel settembre 1943, ad Alessandria, con una giovane ulcera gastrica e una vecchia bicicletta e combatteva in divisa da tenente. Il giorno 8 era comandato in servizio di ordine pubblico, ma nonostante tutto il suo impegno, non riuscì a evitare lo scoppio dell'armistizio. Il giorno...

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Il farmacista del ghetto di Cracovia

Quando in un quartiere periferico di Cracovia viene creato d’autorità il ghetto ebraico, il 3 marzo 1941, Tadeusz Pankiewicz ne diventa suo malgrado un abitante. Pur senza essere ebreo, infatti, gestisce l’unica farmacia del quartiere: contro ogni previsione...

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