Fairy Tail, Vol. 18

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La figlia della foresta

Lord Colum di Sevenwaters ha generato sette figli: Liam, il leader naturale, l'avventuroso Diarmid, i gemelli Cormack e Conor, il ribelle Finbar e il compassionevole Padriac. Sarà tuttavia Sorha, l'unica figlia, la settima della nidiata, a difendere la propria famiglia...

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A Reign of Steel

In A REIGN OF STEEL (BOOK #11 IN THE SORCERER’S RING), Gwendolyn must protect her people as she finds King’s Court under siege. She strives to evacuate them from the Ring—but...

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The Princess And The White Bear King

Journey to the land that lies east of the sun and west of the moon through this magical fairy tale. Ages 5-8 years.Written by professional storyteller Tanya Batt and illustrated by Nicoletta Ceccoli, this book will send a...

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The Land: Founding: A LitRPG Saga

[This is an alternate cover edition of ISBN 1535020709]Aleron Kong has written five novels in his best selling LitRPG saga, The Land. The journey of Gripping Action, Dark Humor and Epic World Building begins here. Welcome to the greatest game you've never played. When DangerZone...

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