A Film, Fiction, Culture book. Enjoyably bizarre and obsessive. Unlike the novel, the screenplay is so short (fewer than 80 pages) that the...
Set in a bleak, passionless world of multi-lane freeways, Crash presents the story of James Ballard and his wife Catherine, whose search for authentic experience leads them into the sump oil-soaked world of Vaughan, a renegade scientist who seeks sexual release by crashing into cars on the freeway, hoping in this way to achieve a new relationship between flesh and metal, man and machine.
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 65 pages
- ISBN: 9780571191277 / 0
More About Crash
Enjoyably bizarre and obsessive. Unlike the novel, the screenplay is so short (fewer than 80 pages) that the themes don't have a chance to get redundant or boring. A rare film of remarkable disturbing power, the bare bones of the script as stark and revealing as the subject matter. Crash isn't for everyone. It should come with a boldly underlined cautionary warning. It does disturb me. I do wonder why someone would want to write about this, let alone make a film about it, but the power, quality...