A Sacred Sorrow: Reaching Out to God in the Lost Language of Lament

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Practice of Prayer

In this down-to-earth book on the essentials of prayer, Margaret Guenther answers many of the common questions of the spiritual life, such as How do we learn to listen to God in our prayer? and, How do we develop a life of prayer in the...

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The Gospel and Catholic Church

This reissue of Archbishop Ramsey s classic theological study of Anglican views of the church is important for students of ecumenism, and for those concerned with the relationship between Christ and the church in the New Testament....

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The Anglican Vision

In this first volume to the New Church's Teaching Series James Griffiss provides an introduction to the Anglican tradition. He focuses especially on Anglicanism's ability to hold together theological continuity (especially...

Download or read The Anglican Vision in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Anglican Vision.
