Il Capitale
A Economics, Sociology, Philosophy book. In general, the greater the productiveness of labour, the less is the labour time required...
Il capolavoro di Marx, spietata e allo stesso tempo scientifica analisi della società capitalistica nelle sue profonde contraddizioni, è una lettura indispensabile per chi non voglia sentirsi estraneo al mondo contemporaneo. Pietra miliare nella storia del pensiero moderno in quanto fondamento dottrinale delle più importanti rivoluzioni politiche del Novecento, "Il capitale" getta ancor oggi una luce demistificante sugli allenanti rapporti sociali del presente. li senso più genuino e il nucleo più duraturo dell'opera di Marx stanno tuttora nella sua rigorosa "critica dell'economia politica", una critica che definisce la storicità della società contemporanea.
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But in fact, it is capitalistic accumulation itself that constantly produces, and produces in the direct ratio of its own energy and extent, a relativity redundant population of labourers, i.e., a population of greater extent than suffices for the average needs of the self-expansion of capital, and therefore a surplus-population. Karl Marx, Das Kapital // In truth, however, value is here the active factor in a process, in which, while constantly assuming the form in turn of money and commodities, it at the same time changes in magnitude, differentiates itself by throwing off surplus value from itself; the original value, in other words, expands spontaneously. For the movement, in the course of which it adds surplus value, is its own movement, its expansion, therefore, is automatic expansion. Because it is value, it has acquired the occult quality of being able to add value to itself. It brings forth living... Pekerja tidak selalu mendapatkan apa yang dihasilkan oleh kapitalis, tetapi suah pasi akan turut jatuh ketika kapitalis mrngalami kerugian. Sehingga pekerja tidak mendapatkan apapun ketika kapitalis menjaga harga barang di atas harga alaminya baik itu melalui jasa perdagangan atau produksi rahasia, ataupun melalui monopoli Karl Marx, Das Kapital //
Had Marx avoided moral judgments in this tome, had he stuck only to symptoms of capitalisms maladies, this book might still be read in the West today. Instead, Marx and his labor theory of value are considered discredited by economics departments and worthy of little more than synopses and essays about the work Das Kapital is still... Reading Das Kapital by Marx was a month long struggle and, I must admit, that after I slogged through the first part I kept on reading only out of spite.Marx's magnum opus didn't age well, in part because it is so atrociously written. The book is full of gratuitous use of Latin, French, Italian (and I assume that in the original - German... How could one give a star-rating to Das Kapital? It stands, with Marx's canon, as one of the most influential books in history, perhaps rivaling only some religious texts. With three stars, I think I will have reached a compromise which will offend everyone.Das Kapital is Marx's attempt to codify and transmit his collected observations...