Мертвые души. Ревизор. Повести
A Short Stories, Cultural, Russian Literature book. I have read only fifty pages of Gogol in Russian, enough to know how...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 976 pages
- ISBN: / 5170275331
More About Мертвые души. Ревизор. Повести
I can describe these novels as novels of portraits. Although some characters are illustrated in grotesque way, they are quite real when you look around yourself.Recommended book. I could easily give 'How the two Ivans quarrelled' 5 stars but the other stories dont make it to that level.This story was a nice comedy with an equally sad end. I have read only fifty pages of Gogol in Russian, enough to know how hilarious he is, and to regret his conversion and attempt to destroy this great book."Sobakavich" alone rewards the reader with the Russian patronymic, "Son of" applied to "Sobaka," a bitch. Yet Sobakavich is the most genial of men, who refuses to sell even those of...