Söhne und Planeten
This book left me wondering what to think of it. It had some highs, but...
René Templ, ein Schriftsteller als junger Mann, findet in Karl Senegger seinen Mentor, eine geistige Vaterschaft. Umgekehrt entzieht er sich seiner Verantwortung gegenüber Frau und Kind: Er schrumpft auf die Größe seines Sohnes, sobald er sich als Vater gefordert glaubt. Als Vater wiederum hat Karl Senegger versagt, sein Sohn Viktor springt in den Tod. Eine Kurzschlussreaktion, der finale Abfall...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 217 pages
- ISBN: 9783701714841 / 0
More About Söhne und Planeten
This book left me wondering what to think of it. It had some highs, but it also had some lows. And now, I really don't remember what my final judgement was. I just know, while reading it at some point I thought it was great, and at another point it was quite the opposite. So, let's settle for a medium three stars. nicht wirklich mitreiend aber auch nicht wirklich schlecht...ich bin unentschlossen Yet another untranslated German book (not into English at least there appears to be an Italian Translation, Figli e pianeti), this time by an author who is still very young (he was 25 when this, his first book, was published in 2007) but who has already garnered a considerable amount of critical success with his work, including several...